“We unite our diverse Jewish community, inspiring each person’s actions to strengthen Jewish life in Greater New Haven and around the world.”


The Jewish Federation is the convener and planner for the Jewish community, mobilizing resources at times of need and serving as the voice for our community in the public sphere. Through the Annual Campaign, the Jewish Federation sustains our community year after year.


Our dynamic ecosystem of schools, social services agencies, camps, synagogues and supporting organizations, relies on our ability to see the big picture, facilitate collaboration, and advocate for the needs of the community as a whole. No single agency can do that alone.


With the help of our lay leaders, professionals, and subject-matter experts, we evaluate and collaborate to identify where needs are greatest. When we invest, we always have measurable outcomes and goals in mind. 


Informational Session

Recorded live on September 8, 2024










“I can’t believe I’m here.”

At twenty-one, Anna had never thought much about being Jewish, until she embarked on a Federation-supported Birthright-Israel trip. Standing at the Kotel. Her palm against the ancient stone. People all around praying. Hugging. Crying. Anna said tears were running down her face as she joined her new “family” in the Shabbat service, feeling truly connected to Judaism for the first time.





“You helped me, now I can help others.”

Finish high school. Join the IDF. Get a degree. Not easy for someone from Avi’s rough Galilee neighborhood. But with the help of a Federation-supported, community-building program, Avi’s now not only a successful master’s student – he’s working with at-risk kids at his old school. He’s helping them develop the skills they need to live a better future. For themselves and Israel.





“Let me tell you my story.”

Sophie survived the terrors of the Holocaust. But decades later, the loneliness and pain of feeling forgotten were too terrible to endure. Then Rina, a volunteer from Federation-funded Jewish Family Services, started visiting her. And Sophie began sharing her story. Today, Sophie says she’s not lonely on the days Rina visits and she no longer feels forgotten knowing her story will live on.