
3 2015

Civil War Lecture on Mary Todd Lincoln at Temple Beth David

1:00PM - 3:00PM  

Contact Ann Curiale
(203) 272-0037

Civil War Lecture with Dr. Bruce Brumberger on Mary Todd Lincoln

Sunday, May 3rd, 1- 3 PM at Temple Beth David, 3 Main Street in Cheshire

Temple Beth David’s Brotherhood and Sisterhood have combined to offer this popular event. His past lectures on Gettysburg, the Lincoln Cabinet, etc., were highlights of the last few years. Our resident Civil War expert will present another lecture, which promises to be informative and interesting with a splash of humor. A light lunch being served at 1:00 PM, followed by lecture. This program is open to everyone in the community. There is no charge. RSVP required as we need a head count. Please RSVP to Ann at or call TBD office at 203-272-0037 by Thursday, April 30th.

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