
7 2014

Genesis Stories as Jewish Myth

9:45AM - 11:45AM  

Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel 85 Harrison Street
New Haven, CT 06515

Contact Peggy Hackett

Enrich your High Holiday experience by participating in this course on the book of Genesis (Bereishit). Rabbi Alan Lovins will examine the historical and literary context of the Torah, exploring the ways in which the book of Genesis represents a revolutionary break with the world from which it emerged. Over eight weeks participants will read the stories of the book of Genesis, discussing them in depth and gaining new understanding and insights regarding the basic message of the Jewish Scripture. The first session will be an historical and literary introduction to Genesis, contrasting it to the prevailing mythological world view of other contemporary cultures. In ensuing sessions the class will read and discuss the following stories: Creation; Cain and Abel; the Flood; the Tower of Babel; and Sodom and Gomorrah. The class concludes with a session to review thoughts and insights gained. The course is free and open to the public.

For more information call the BEKI office, 203-389-2108.

Required text: Nahum Sarna, Understanding Genesis (published 1970), available in paperback.
Suggested text: The Torah, a New Translation (Jewish Publication Society of America, 1962).

Sponsor: Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel

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