
15 2015

Jewish Genealogical Society of Connecticut February 2015 Program

1:30PM - 3:30PM  

Godfrey Library 134 Newfield Street
Middletown, CT 06457

Contact Gail Reynolds

Join the Jewish Genealogical Society to view and discuss videos on how to make better use out of Ancestry.com.

If time remains, board members will advise attendees on research.

Free and open to the public. For additional information, visit www.jgsct.org.

Please note that all events offered by the Jewish Federation, Foundation, and JCC of Greater New Haven may include photography. Photos taken at events may be used in our social media, websites, and in print materials to support the objectives of our organizations and to promote future events.  We respect our patrons' privacy. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know at the event registration and welcome desk.


To submit changes or updates to an event, email marketing@jewishnewhaven.org.

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