PEP is provided in response to the state legislation requiring that divorcing parents participate in parent education. The Council providers utilize a Council developed, six hour curriculum (in English, Spanish and Polish), titled Putting Children First, which addresses the following topics:
What is Divorce or Family Disruption Like for Kids?
What do Children Need to Help Them Deal With Divorce or Family Disruption?
Developmental Stages of Children and Their Reactions to Divorce and Family Disruption.
Loss and the Grieving Process.
Skills for Talking and Listening with Children.
How to Talk to Children about the Divorce or Separation.
Dealing with Anger and Conflict Resolution.
Divorce "Games" Parents and Children Play.
Custody and Parenting Plans.
Parallel and Cooperative Parenting.
Participants are required to pay a fee of $125/person to attend this course. Fee waivers can be granted by Superior Court judges in case of financial need.
Participant evaluations of course benefits are conducted immediately following the completion of the course and six to twelve months after the course. Over 90% rate the course very beneficial in the course evaluation.
For more information about PEP, please send your request via email to: or to register for a class contact Jewish Family Services of New Haven at 203-389-5599
Sponsor: Jewish Family Services of New Haven