
31 2016

Silk Painting Workshop by Pomegranate Guild of Jewish Needlework

1:00PM - 3:00PM  

Susan Honeyman (Note: My address. The event will be held elsewhere in New Haven) 115 Lowin Ave.
New Haven, CT 06515
203-397-9233 thewordhive@gmail.com

Contact Sue Honeyman

The Rimmonim Chapter (New Haven) of the Pomegranate Guild of Jewish Needlework will hold a silk painting workshop at the home of one of its members. The chapter includes both beginners and accomplished textile artists/crafts people interested in creating Jewish ritual or Jewish-themed items in a fun, supportive group.
New members are welcome. For further information contact Susan Honeyman at thewordhive@gmail.com or leave a message at 203-397-9233.

Sponsor: Rimmonim Chapter, Pomegranate Guild of Jewish Needlework

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