Join Temple Beth David in Cheshire to celebrate our the 11th anniversary of Mitzvah Day at noon on Sunday November 2nd. This is a day when TBD members, families, and friends join together to help address the for the needs of the community. After a light lunch at noon in the social hall, we will participate in activities suitable for families and individuals of all ages: 1) Winterizing the Mitzvah Garden, 2) Preparing bag lunches and Halloween goody bags for Master's Manna in Wallingford as part of Cooking it Forward, 3) Making holiday cards for residents of area nursing facilities, 4) Making homemade dog biscuits for the Meriden Human Society, and 5) Collecting and sorting food for the Cheshire Food Drive on the Green.
We are also asking for donations of new, adult sized underwear and socks for Master's Manna. We are told the need for these items is great.