
4 2020

12 PM The 'No Diet' Diet- Primal Eating Workshop

12:00PM - 1:15PM  

$ Cost $ 25.00

Register in advance for this virutal workshop.

Learn how to eat right for your unique biochemistry to optimize your metabolism, understand your daily energy and nutritional needs and stop counting calories. 

Discover your Primal Pattern/Metabolic Type, the critical first step in customizing your diet to free yourself from food cravings, mood swings, dieting, and enjoy high energy, optimal health, and a strong immune system.

WORKSHOP FEE: $25 *Includes Assessments, Individualized Primal Pattern Report, and a webinar recording


Upon registering, you will receive links to complete two PRE-WORKSHOP ON-LINE ASSESSMENTS to determine Metabolic Type/Primal Eating Pattern.

For more Information contact: betsyo@jccnh.org 

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