JEWEL Society Presents: Sustainable Fashion & Judaism

Refresh your wardrobe without buying a single thing. Bring 4-6 items (clothing/accessories) in excellent condition and enjoy a clothing swap party, expert lecture on sustainable fashion and Judaism by Dr. Meital Pelg Mizrachi, as well as how to use the color in your life to shake up your wardrobe and your energy, by Betsy Karp. 


Vegan and vegetarian light bites provided, kashrut observed. Home hosted in East Haven, address shared upon registration.


Registration kindly requested by June 24. 


Date: Thursday, June 27 2024

Time: 7 PM - 9 PM


JEWEL Society Members - $10
Prospective JEWEL Society Members - $18
Join the JEWEL Society today and attend free (PJ Library Moms) - $118

Location: Home hosted in East Haven. Address provided upon registration.


Presenter: Dr. Meital Pelg Mizrachi, Sustainable Fashion Researcher, Department of Economics, Yale University


The fashion industry, one of the most polluting sectors globally, is driven largely by the rise of Fast Fashion. While this model has permeated markets worldwide, including Israel, there is a burgeoning counter-movement advocating for sustainable fashion.

In this lecture, Dr. Meital Pelg Mizrachi will delve into the principles of sustainable fashion, highlighting how this movement is deeply intertwined with Jewish traditions. Concepts such as Shmita, which mandates a sabbatical year that limits agricultural activity, and the prohibition of Shatnez, which bans the blending of wool and linen, naturally support recycling and sustainability in clothing production. Moreover, Jewish labor laws that emphasize ethical treatment of workers align seamlessly with the goals of sustainable fashion.

This talk will offer a comprehensive exploration of how Judaism can inform and inspire sustainable fashion practices, shedding light on Israeli businesses and their innovative approaches that resonate globally. Join us for an inspiring discussion on integrating ancient wisdom with modern sustainability efforts.

Come and discover how ancient Jewish traditions can shape the future of fashion in a sustainable and ethical way.


Presenter: Betsy Karp, Wellness Educator

Wardrobe refresh without buying a single thing. 
How to use the color in your life to shake up your wardrobe and your energy. Learn how colors are connected to our emotional beings and how we can use fashion to find the energy we want and bring it to life! Betsy will share about colors and DIY wardrobe refreshes- how sustainability not only helps your wallet, but boosts your confidence knowing you impact the planet.


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  • JEWEL Society Bracelet

  • JEWEL Society Chair, Stacy Hutton