Build a Tzedakah/Youth Philanthropy Funds
Asher Hootnik Tzedakah Fund
Zoe Paige Fleischman Tzedakah Fund
Jaden Nathaniel Labowe-Stoll Tzedakah Fund
Ana Sirota Tzedakah Fund in Honor of Oliver Stevens
Ryan Jacob Schatz Tzedakah Fund
Hannah Pearl Mervine-Schiff Tzedakah Fund
Donor Advised/Family Philanthropy Funds
The Alan J. Cohen Charitable Fund
Gary and Patricia Ginsberg Family Fund
Iny and Joel Karp Philanthropic Fund
Maddy and Larry Tannenbaum Family Fund
Designated Funds
Dr. David S. Fischer Family Fund for Jewish New Haven
Fran Burger Philanthropic Fund
Designated Funds for the Towers
Beatrice Briener Fund for the benefit of the Towers
Louise and Irwin Epstein fund for the Benefit of the Towers
Robert Katz Family Fund for the benefit of the Towers
Vivian and Richard Kantrow Fund to benefit the Towers
Donna & Sidney Levine Fund to Provide Food Assistance for Those in Need at the Towers
Genevieve “Ginny” Nishball Endowment Fund for Horticulture
James M. Shure Fund for the Towers in Memory of Beverly Levy
Nathan Sokoloff Fund, endowed by Heidi & Tracy Saxe, for the benefit of the Towers
Designated Fund for the Jewish Cemetery Association
Barry and Hyla Vine Family Endowment for the benefit of JCAGNH
Designated fund for Temple Beth Sholom
Elliot S. Alderman Memorial Fund for the Benefit of Temple Beth Sholom
Designated Fund for Connecticut Valley Region BBYO
Kenneth and Mara Ginsberg Family Fund for the benefit of CVR BBYO
Designated Fund for Jewish Family Service Food Pantry
Barry and Hyla Vine Family Endowment for the JFS-Food Pantry
Designated Fund for Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven (PACE/LOJE)
Lindy Lee Gold Lion of Judah Endowment
Hyla Goldberg Vine Lion of Judah Endowment Fund