Established in partnership with the Beckerman Family Foundation, this is now a $5 million community campaign for PACE. To date, $4,008,333 has been raised and we have met our goal for the $2 million Beckerman Family PACE Challenge match. This campaign is intended to secure the future of the Greater New Haven Jewish community through newly established and increased Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) funds.
Thank you to the families listed below for helping us successfully complete our challenge. If you would like to join them in helping us reach (and surpass!) our $5 million goal, contact Lisa Stanger at (203) 387-2424 x382,
CURRENT DONOR LIST (as of 10/20/23)
Norman & Caron Alderman** Richard Amerling** David & Karen Astrachan* Rosalind & Stephen Atkins* Steve & Judy August* Gerry & Debbi Barker* Brad Beckerman** Linda & Leonard Bell* Harvey Bixon* Rob & Stacey Bland* Leatrice Brodner* Jay & Lynn Brotman* Mark & Linda Caplan* Linda Caplan LOJE Fund* Nancy Cohen* Rhoda Cohen* Michael and Karen Diamond** Jody Ellant** Rick and Debra Epstein* Ronald Farber Memorial PACE Fund* Dale & Robert Felice** Marilyn Fishbone** Adam Fleischman* Andrea & Steven Fleischman* Julie Fleischman* Samantha Fleischman* Zoe Fleischman* Claire Frankel** Kal Watsky & Deborah Fried** Suzanne Gallant** Gary & Patricia Ginsberg* Dena Schulman-Green & Eric Green**
Judith Hahn** Betsy and Jeffrey Hoos** Scott & Jocelyn Hurwitz** Bruce & Irene Jacobs* Cari & Keith Kaplan** Joel & Iny Karp** Sandy & Elliott Kerzner PACE Fund* Ed Konowitz* Jackie Koral* George & Susan Krall** Barbara & John Lichtman** Bill Loftus* Joan & Stuart Margolis* Lisa Martin** Marc & Nancy Olins** Barbara Green Orell* Hap & Stacey Perkins** Jodi & Richard Pollack** Paul & Rita Portnoy* Eric Ravid** Norman & Karyn Ravski* Stephen Saltzman** Shirley Scholder** Jimmy Shure** Colby & David Sirowich* Susan and Doug Skalka* Mark and Judy Sklarz** Ina Silverman & Jay Sokolow* Emily Fine & Stephen Stein* Jeffrey & Robyn Teplitzky* Barry and Hyla Vine**
*= new fund established **= added funds to existing PACE/LOJE