The Sports and Recreation Department provides fun and exercise to all at the Jewish Community Center—and our Beverly Levy Early Learning Center Students certainly takes advantage of all they have to offer!
Preschool student Ana participates in activities almost every day. “My favorite classes are all of my classes!” she said when asked what she likes best.
On Monday, Ana attends her first enrichment class of the week, 'Creative Creations,’ held in the JCC MakerSpace. She participates in this mid-day class with seven other Beverly Levy students. “Today we are making monsters!” her teacher Ms. Sandy said “What noise do monsters make?” “Roar!!!” the children called back, laughing and clapping. Ana created a monster using yarn, gluesticks, a tissue box, and googly eyes.
On Wednesday, Ana and 10 classmates received a big surprise as they arrived at the most popular enrichment class this winter, ‘Sticky Fingers.’ “Today we are making salad!” announced Ms. Sandy and Coach Rachel, which was met by both groans and cheers from the children who were used to creating sweets like strawberry shortcake and fairy bread. But Ana was excited about the salads and began drawing the ingredients she would use.
While the children prepared their ingredients, Ms. Sandy told them a story about a magical fairy land that used salad ingredients to defeat the bad guys and save the kingdom. At the end of the class the children enjoyed their creations.
Next up: Sports and Recreation in which Ana takes a private swim lesson with Mr. Chris! Ana is currently working on freestyle, backstroke, and learning water safety so she is ready for a summer of fun in the pool and at the beach.
Thursday has Ana taking a Micro Mini 2 Ballet and Tap class with the JCC’s dance director Ms. Jenn. This hour long class involves stretching, ballet technique, jazz moves, and dress up time — Ana’s favorite! The best part of doing dance and tumbling classes at the JCC is preparing for the June dance recital. Ana is excited about her beautiful costume and watching her friends dance.
Ana continues her week with indoor swimming class taught by Mr. Chris and her Beverly Levy teachers. Ana and her classmates enjoy this activity as a special part of their preschool curriculum.
As the winter session come to an end and spring session registration opens, Ana looks forward to beginning a number of new activities and staying busy! The JCC Sports and Recreation department is excited to debut a few new classes, including ‘Little Science,’ and bringing back old favorites like ‘Little Yoga’ and ‘Pee Wee Sports.’