Theodore Herzl once said, “A person’s every act begins with a dream and ends with one.”
Here in Greater New Haven, we have been the beneficiaries of many people’s dreams. Those who came to these shores hundreds of years ago searching for opportunity and religious freedom began the process of building a
community with the hope that it would sustain itself as future generations rose up to take the mantle of responsibility.
It was the dreamers who created Mishkan Israel and B’nai Jacob in 1840 and 1885, congregations that still proudly serve the New Haven community. It was dreamers that conceived of a Jewish Community Center in 1913. Those who came before us built the institutions we enjoy today. As their caretakers, it is now our responsibility to ensure that our Jewish community’s future is secured. We are dreaming of a bright and beautiful Jewish future.
It's no secret that Jewish life requires financial investment, as well as involvement, to sustain it. There are many ways to support the institutions that are so vital to our community. While each needs annual operating support, it is just as crucial to consider saving for rainy days.
At our Jewish Foundation, we have many ways to help secure the future. We believe that everyone, regardless of their financial ability, can leave a legacy of supporting the Jewish community or a specific Jewish institution in
perpetuity. If you include the Jewish community on your tzedakah list every year of your life, there is nothing to prevent the community from receiving that love forever through a Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment or PACE Fund.
As we begin the year anew, recognizing the great uncertainty that is before us and thankful that we have navigated the challenges of the past year and a half, let’s think about the future. How will we work together to continue to build today to ensure the promise of tomorrow for our children and our children’s children?
The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven are your philanthropic partner. We can help you realize your goals and objectives while furthering our mission to strengthen Jewish life in Greater New Haven and around the world.
May the year ahead be filled with much good health and may we all continue to go from strength to strength.