AT THE JCC Do you have a strategy for self-care?

A difficult lesson to process, as we are conditioned by society to believe that our only value is in our productivity, but looking out for #1 doesn’t make you selfish—it keeps you alive and in a better position to help others. Think of it like you maintain your car or your taking care of your garden, we would not survive without some level of self-care. Easier said than done though for many who tend to put themselves at the bottom of the priority list. My suggestion is to have a strategy that works best for you. Each of us adapt to making changes (even small ones) differently. Here are two simple strategies that can help prioritizing new health and wellness habits.

1. Include yourself in your daily or weekly to-do list. Schedule it! There’s value in seeing an appointment or a written goal, you are telling yourself that this deserves priority.

2. Choose a reward that is relevant to the habit you’re trying to create and give yourself credit for achieving those smaller goals. A great way to reinforce healthy habits for self-care.

Whether your intention is to embark on a new wellness journey or revisit an old one, the best way to succeed is to first demonstrate the importance of self-care to yourself, determine which aspects you want to change or enhance, then create a strategy to reinforce those aspects by creating habits that make your pursuits enriching and rewarding. In the end, your self-care strategy will allow you to enjoy a better life experience overall—you’re worth it! Struggling with how or where to start? Contact for a free wellness consultation to determine the best way to be healthier and more active

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