A Women’s Philanthropy favorite, Cool Reads, will take place again this year on Tuesday, June 25, at the Guilford Yacht Club.
New this year, book authors James Mustich, and Matthew Dicks will have a conversation facilitated by Roxanne Coady, owner of R.J. Julia Booksellers in Madison. Coady will also share some of her favorite readings with our guests.
James Mustich began his career in bookselling at an independent book store in Briarcliff Manor, New York, in the early 1980s. In 1986, he co-founded the acclaimed book catalog, A Common Reader, and was for two decades its guiding force. He subsequently has worked as an editorial and product development executive in the publishing industry. He penned the bestselling book, 1,000 Books to Read Before You Die Must Read Novels.
Matthew Dicks is the internationally bestselling author and novelist and is also the co-founder and creative director of Speak Up, a Hartford-based storytelling organization. He teaches storytelling and public speaking to individuals, corporations, universities, religious institutions, and school districts around the world. Matthew has been teaching for 20 years and is a former West Hartford Teacher of the Year and a finalist for Connecticut Teacher of the Year.
Cool Reads is sponsored by the Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven. A portion of the evening proceeds will support the Alma Pre- Military Academy for Female Leadership in Israel and PJ Library.
Space is limited. Pre-registration is required. This program is open to all women who have made a gift to the 2019 Annual Campaign.
For more information contact, Robyn Teplitzky at (203) 387-3434 x320 or email: rteplitzky@jewishnewhaven.org