Foundation Gives Tougas Summer of a Lifetime

Recognizing the impact of Israel travel/ experiences, the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven provides scholarships for both short-term (minimum of three-week program) and long-term organized Israel educational programs for Greater New Haven area youth ages 14-19.

For 2018 summer trips, applications are due by March 9, 2018. For 2018- 2019 gap or academic year programs, applications are due by May 4, 2018.

Here is part one of a three-part series where a young person who benefitted from a Jewish Foundation scholarship writes about their experiences.

Mia Tougas, of Cheshire Israel Experience Scholarship Recipient

I want to thank you and the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven for helping me have a summer of a lifetime. I have always identified as a Jew and I always will.

This past summer, thanks to the help of the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, I traveled to Prague, Poland, and Israel.

In Prague and Poland, I saw both the vibrant life of Jews as well as the horrors of the last century. In Israel, I traveled the roads our ancestors took through the Negev, prayed at the Western Wall, and enjoyed a glorious sunrise atop Mount Masada. These experiences deeply affected me and I look forward to sharing them with younger teens.

Chavaya, means “experiences.” In the middle of the trip, my group was split up and we each engaged in different activities for four days. The chavaya I chose was archaeology, which quickly turned into one of the highlights of my trip. I enjoyed making new friendships and digging deeper into Israel’s history (pun intended). I excavated a pot that still had some oil in it from hundreds of years ago.

The two weeks following, I got to spend time learning about Israel’s history and establishment. During those weeks, I developed even deeper relationship with Israel and the Jewish culture that goes with it. My most sincere thanks go to the JFGNH for supporting a lifealtering Jewish experience.

For more information on Foundation scholarships, go to:  


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