As we continue to work hard to emerge from the pandemic, I want to express my profound gratitude to the amazing staff of the Federation, JCC and Foundation and all of our agencies and synagogues. So much work is being done to insure that the needs in our community are being addressed. We are now well underway with the 2022 Annual Campaign—“Here for Good.” Our theme reminds us that our fundraising supports so many good activities in our community both locally, nationally and internationally. In addition, it reminds us that our fundraising insures that our Jewish community will be here in perpetuity. To that end, I want to take a moment to share with you the importance of your gift today, but also your commitment to helping us prepare for the future through our endowments.
We are so fortunate to have people committed to giving to our annual campaign year in and year out. In fact, this year we are recognizing over 900 people who have been giving to our annual campaign for over 25 years. How amazing is that! Some have been small gifts and some have been large, but the incredible thing to me is the ongoing commitment to our community. These annual gifts allow us to be here for those in need, to provide enrichment within in our Jewish lives and to ensure the safety and security of our community. The annual campaign provides for the good of the community, but it is through planned giving that we build our ability to be here forever. The Jewish Foundation houses funds that have been donated through our PACE program. The Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) are funds that you can set up with a gift today, over time or through estate planning, that provides an annual campaign gift in your name in perpetuity. This year, through prior PACE funds started in our community, our annual campaign kicks off with over $450,000. These are endowments set up through the Foundation that provide a set giving amount each year after you are gone. I know when people think endowments, large numbers pop into their minds, but setting up a fund with our foundation is easy and can be done with a current gift, gifts over time or even with pledges to give in the future as well. We currently have less than 100 PACE funds. For all of you who give year in and year out, please consider establishing a fund to make sure our community continues with your wonderful support forever. I would love our community to have as many PACE funds as we have donors who have given every single year for twenty plus years!
Thank you all for your commitment to our community. We are not out of the woods from this pandemic yet and need all of your support for this year’s Annual Campaign. We are here for good, but we need all of you to make sure that continues as our reality. For those of you who have given to the campaign, thank you! To those who haven’t yet, please make your pledge now. Finally, for those of you who believe that a thriving Jewish community is important for our children and their children, please consider opening a PACE fund and join me in helping create a strong foundation for future campaigns.
Thank you, Steve
Dr. Steven Fleischman President, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven