Temple Beth David - JCARR’S newest member synagogue - recently re-started their annual Mitzvah Day. While historically coordinated with putting their vegetable garden to bed for the winter, the Social Action Committee timed the relaunch to coincide with planting the garden. On May 7, congregants of all ages gathered to plant the garden and engage in various activities. JCARR team leaders Cindi Williams and Darcy Bearman organized activities to help JCARR families. They collected household goods such as toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, cleaning supplies, and other items not covered by SNAP(food stamps). They also provided materials to make potholders. How many of you remember weaving potholders on small square looms? Adults and children enjoyed participating. This was an opportunity for congregants to learn more about JCARR’s mission, celebrate community and fulfill the mitzvah of Tikun Olam.
JCARR volunteers and Temple Beth David members participate in Mitzvah Day.
The East Rock Record, a collaborative project “…, based at the East Rock Community & Cultural Studies Magnet School since 2013, is driven by the belief that students are powerful observers and reporters of happenings in their own community. The newspaper is supported by Yale’s Office of New Haven Affairs. Student journalists in grades 3-8 work with Yale student mentors — many of whom are journalists themselves — to plan, report and write each issue.” The paper also includes ads, and we appreciate the inclusion of an ad for JCARR in this edition.
The May 4th issue features a beautiful article about Rabbi Farbman and Temple Emanuel’s Religious School Director, Ms. Olga Markus’s involvement with resettling refugees. Their commitment to refugee resettlement work reflects their own life experiences and their commitment to Jewish ideals. Rabbi Farbman and Ms. Markus discuss some challenges refugees experience and how to offer help. They begin their interview,
“When you imagine the challenges refugees face in a new country — finding a place to live, paying for food, and getting a job are high on the list. But you might not expect something just as important: Making friends.“It can be as simple as offering to go with someone to the park,” Olga Markus, the religious school director at Temple Emanuel of Greater New Haven, who is from Ukraine and has been working to help refugees, told East Rock Record reporters during an interview.” To read the full article, click on eastrockrecord.org. When the page opens, click on the NEWS drop-down heading.
Your contributions sustain JCARR’S mission. To donate to JCARR, go online to https://jewishnewhaven.org/