JCRC of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven on U.N. Resolution 2334

The past week has once more brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the center of national and international news. On Dec. 23, the U.N. Security Council voted 14-0 in support of Resolution 2334, with the U.S. choosing to abstain rather than exercise its veto power. The text of Resolution 2334, available here, condemns Israel for its settlement policy and marked a change from prior Obama Administration tactics to veto any resolutions condemning Israel brought up in the Security Council.

The resolution has unleashed a cacophony of articles and opinion pieces. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry responded on Dec. 28 with a lengthy speech that has generated even more responses.

We, the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, recognize that Jews within our community hold a variety of different views when it comes to Israeli settlement policy, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Israeli-U.S. relations in general. Nevertheless, we write to underscore where we believe there is consensus:

  1. Israel has the right to self-determination as a Jewish, democratic state.
  2. A two-state solution is the only viable way to maintain Israel’s existence as a Jewish, democratic state.
  3. Any two-state solution, including the resolution of final borders, can only be realized through direct, bilateral negotiations between the parties themselves and cannot be imposed by outside countries, organizations, or the U.N.


The following analysis provide what we believe are some of the most thoughtful insights into the implications of the resolution’s passage. We will continue to follow developments leading up to the Jan.15, 2017, international peace conference in Paris, and will provide resources accordingly.

U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334:

Policy Implications

Brookings Institute –  What’s New and What’s Not in the U.N. Resolution on Israeli Settlements 

The Washington Institute - Early Implications of the UN Settlements Resolution

CNN -  What the UNSC Resolution Means for the U.S. and Israel

Condemnation of the Resolution

JCPA Press Release Opposing Resolution 2334

The Washington Post - The United States Just Made Middle East Peace Harder 

Times of Israel - Misguided Inaction Makes Peacemaking Even Harder

Support for the Resolution

J Street Press Release Welcoming U.S. Abstention on UNSC Resolution

Secretary of State Kerry's Speech:

Support for Secretary Kerry

Forward - How Israel Brought U.N. Resolution on Itself With Irrational Settlement Push

The New York Times - Bibi Netanyahu Makes Trump His Chump

Condemnation of Secretary Kerry’s Speech

The Huffington Post - Dear Secretary Kerry

Middle East Forum - John Kerry is Dead Wrong About Israeli Settlements

AIPAC Statement on Secretary Kerry's Speech

Israeli Responses to Secretary Kerry’s Speech

Times of Israel - Mr. Kerry, the 2-State Solution Isn't At Risk, It's Already Dead 

Times of Israel - Let the Debate Around Settlements Begin

Times of Israel - The Only Thing He Didn't Say Was 'Apartheid'

 Additional Reading

Israel Policy Forum UNSCR 2334

The New York Times - Why Netanyahu Will Miss Obama



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