“Off Our Walls” is the name of the fall show in the galleries at Beth El – Keser Israel [BEKI], organized by Helen Rosenberg, with input from other members of the Art Committee.
The artwork, which is in various media as well as ritual objects, broadly reflects Jewish and Israeli history, scenes of Jerusalem, synagogues, holidays and practices, and biblical or cultural themes. The curator’s plan is that from the wealth of these resources, the viewer will be reminded of the complex and beautiful heritage of the Jewish people.
“The exhibition should provide insight into how Jewish artwork helps define the homes of various BEKI members, offering the congregation a peak into the items on their walls as well as stories about the work,” Rosenberg said. “Congregants have offered to lend prints created by American and Israeli artists, as well as some original work and Judaica.”
BEKI always has a special High Holy Day show in the galleries. “I expect this year’s exhibit will allow the congregation to get to better know participating members and feel as if they've been guests in their homes—as if, say, they'd been to their homes for Rosh Hashanah dinner,” she said.
The exhibit will be up through mid-October. To arrange to visit the galleries, email art@beki.org.