The Jewish Federation Association of Connecticut strongly condemns recent comments comparing Hitler and Nazis to Governor Lamont. Such linkage trivializes the extent of crimes against humanity, diminishes the suffering of survivors, and offends those who understand the profound evil Hitler and the Nazis represented.
There is simply no comparison between contemporary Connecticut political issues and the actions of Hitler who was responsible for the murders of over 6 million Jews.
“My parents were both Holocaust Survivors. The Nazis murdered their parents, their siblings, their aunts, uncles and cousins. When they were liberated from the Bergen Belsen concentration camp, my father weighed 74 pounds and my mother was too ill to know she had been liberated. My parents built wonderful lives in the US and were eternally grateful to this great country. Please don't trivialize the evil of the Holocaust by equating it to the inconvenience of a mask mandate intended to protect public health.” Said Romana Strochlitz Primus, past Board President, Jewish Federation of Eastern CT.
JFACT lobbies city, state, and federal officials on issues of importance to the seven Jewish Federations, as well as their beneficiary service agencies, across Connecticut. Learn more at