“According to ancient tradition,Yom Kippur commemorates the day God forgave our people after the sin of worshipping the Golden Calf. For even after Moses, out of great disappointment, shattered the Tablets containing the Ten Commandments, G-d replaced them with a second set. Indeed, when was it that we received that second set? Tradition tells us it was Yom Kippur. This then, to my mind, is Yom Kippur’s essential message: Even those who have shattered our trust deserve a second chance. And additionally: Those who feel that their trust in G-d has been shattered, ought to give G-d a second chance as well.”
Rabbi Alvin Wainhaus, Congregation Or Shalom
“In passing his leadership on to Joshua, Moses charged the younger man to 'be strong and courageous.' Even in troubled times, strength and courage have marked the ways of the Jewish people ever since. With God's help, these traits will continue to mark our way.”
Rabbi Bruce Alpert, Beth Israel Synagogue
“May this coming New Year 5782 bring with it renewed hope for our people and for humanity. May we all be blessed with health, joy, and happiness, and inscribed (and sealed) in the Book of
Lives-well-lived! Shana Tova U'metuka!”
Rabbi Michael Farbman, Temple Emanuel
“God hears the sound of the shofar’ - During times of distress we pray from the depth of our hearts and like the sound of the wordless, inarticulate shofar, we trust that God hears us. May HaShem hear our cries and grant us a year of health, safety, and prosperity.”
Rabbi Fred Hyman, Westville Synagogue
“May the New Year bring a clarity of vision to better see that which unites us all and bring about a renewed sense of purpose in making this world a dwelling place for G-d.”
Rabbi Levi Schectman, Chabad of Wesleyan
“Rosh Hashana is when everything in the world is reborn, symbolic of the message of a second chance. G-d never gives up on you, because a person is never too low, too distant, hopeless. We all have the opportunity to start over, try again, and paint a new image for the year ahead.”
Rabbi Schneur Brook, Chabad of Shelton & Monroe
“May this New Year bring you and those dear to your hearts Companion and Friendship; Healthand time; support… and Love. B’Shalom, with Peace and Gratitude,”
Rabbi Reena Judd, The Peter C. Harass House
for Jewish Life at Quinnipiac University