Balance Boxes is a service organization started and run by teens all over the world. They provide students in low-income communities with academic, enjoyable activity boxes. The age-appropriate boxes, created around a theme, include books, educational games, school supplies, an art project or toy, snacks, and a small meal.
A Connecticut chapter of Balance Boxes was started this past summer by incoming high school students. At the local level here in the Greater New Haven area, Balance Box Connecticut Ambassadors Jacob Schonberger and Zoe Schulman collected donations of money and supplies to create 25 boxes. They delivered the boxes to Dr. Reginald Mayo Early Childhood School in New Haven to Hyclis Williams. The connection was made with the help of Sandy Hagan, Mara Ginsberg and Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven. Schonberger and Schulman prepared these boxes with school supplies so that the preschoolers would be equipped with some supplies for the 2020-21 school year as well as fun projects and new books. They hope to prepare more boxes. Schonberger and Schulman hope to receive more donations of gently used materials, or money to purchase snacks and meals.
For more information or to donate, contact