New England Jewish Academy (NEJA) honored their faculty and Upper Division Principal at their virtual 2021 Annual Gala & Awards Event on February 10.
NEJA’s Class of 2021, student council, parents, staff, administrators, board members and volunteers joined together to create a virtual showcase celebrating the 33 faculty members who inspire and educate students as young as two years old, throughout their elementary, middle and high school years. The event also paid tribute to Dr. Richard Nabel, a seasoned school administrator who served Hebrew High School of New England as its Head of General Studies, and filled the role of Interim Head of School when New England Jewish Academy was formed in 2019.
Although the event was not held together in person, online participants enjoyed delicious dinners catered by The Crown Market and a visual presentation celebrating the entire faculty and Dr. Richard Nabel.
* Pictured above: Head of School Naty Katz (left) and Board Co-President Juanita Moss (middle) presented Upper Division Principal Dr. Richard Nabel (right) with the President's Award at the 2021 Gala