Bagels & Babies is a place to meet other families with babies and plant seeds of belonging and friendship by building small communities with shared values. Together, we will share the imperfections and joys of being a parent.
Stacey Battat, PJ Library’s educator and mindfulness teacher, will facilitate discussion around the winter season, the challenges and other things parents want to discuss at Bagels & Babies. The free meetings will take place on alternate Wednesdays this winter. The dates are January 15 and 29, February 12 and 26, and March 11 and 25.
"Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance," says Brene Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, a popular Ted Talk speaker and, most importantly, a mother.
Discussing our self-acceptance as parents is a cornerstone to growing into the parents we hope to be. Being a parent of a baby can be a rough adjustment time for community members or those who are new to the community.
Community and belonging are top universal values in our increasingly disenfranchised world. Jewish values of kehilla (community) and gemilutchasidim (loving kindness) are essential to belonging, as is welcoming new people.
Battat hopes that the program's circle of participants will increase in the springtime when parents host Bagels & Babies in their homes around their schedules, including weekends. These free, intimate, in-home events will be co-sponsored by PJ Library.
Bagels & Babies is geared toward parents or caregivers with babies ages 0-18 months; older children are welcome and activities will be provided for the children. The winter Wednesday events will start at 11:00 a.m. in the Terrace Room of the JCC of Greater New Haven. At 11:30 a.m., families will move to the babysitting room where toddlers can move about and play while parents gather.
Families raising Jewish children ages 6 months to 12 years can subscribe to receive free Jewish children’s literature at or This local PJ Library program is run through the JCC of Greater New Haven and the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, both supported by local donors. PJ Library and PJ Ourway are national Jewish engagement programs.
For more information, email Stacey Battat at PJLibrary@JewishNewHaven.orgor call (203) 387-2424 x 317.