All scholarships are for area students from Jewish households. All applications must be completed online by May 15. All applications are confidential and anonymously reviewed. This is a competitive process and unfortunately not all applicants will receive awards. Go to jewishnewhaven.org/scholarships for more info on Israel Experience and College Scholarships.
• Mary Taylor Friedler Memorial Scholarship Fund This scholarship is not needs based and requires an essay concerning what peace, justice and righteousness mean to you and your Judaism. Awards range from $500—$1000. Applicant must reside in Greater New Haven and be entering their freshman year of college. Awards are based on the strength of the application.
• Stuart J. Drell Scholarship Fund Awards are $1,500 and the applicant must reside in CT and may be entering college or a current college student. Awards are based on the strength of the application and financial need.
• Emma Kohn Podoloff Scholarship Fund of the National Council of Jewish Women’s Greater New Haven Section The average award is $1,500 and applicants must reside in Greater New Haven and be entering their freshman year of college. The application includes an essay and 3 recommendations. Awards are based on the strength of the application and financial need.
ISRAEL EXPERIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS: The Jewish Foundation Israel Experience Scholarship Program enables local Jewish students ages 14—20 the opportunity to participate in an Israel experience to develop and enrich their Jewish education and reinforce their Jewish identity.
The Jewish Foundation provides scholarships for both short-term (minimum of 3 week program) and long-term organized Israel educational programs. For summer programs the deadline is April 7, 2023. For the 2023—24 gap or academic year programs, applications are due by June 9, 2023. Go to jewishnewhaven.org/scholarships for more information, a list of qualifying programs, and requirements.
• Bloch Family Fund for Israel Travel by Congregation Or Shalom Youth
• Esther Gold Milikowsky-Copelon Fund in memory of Matthew Milikowsky for Teen Travel to Israel
• Marvin S. Pisetsky Israel Scholarship Endowment Fund
• Arthur Spiegel Israel Scholarship Fund
• Lawrence & Florence Winer Israel Scholarship Fund
• The Earl and Muriel Banquer Israel Endowment Fund
• Henry & Helene Kasha Fund for the Teaching of the Hebrew Language
ONE HAPPY CAMPER: For overnight Jewish summer camps, the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven offers needs-blind incentive grants for first-time campers as well as needs-based scholarships for first-time and returning campers. Campers must reside in the Greater New Haven catchment area and must be attending an overnight camp in North America. For more information go to jewishnewhaven.org/scholarships/one-happy-camper,
GRANTS: Go to jewishnewhaven.org/grants for all grant information and applications.
Security Grants Initiative from the Arthur Eder Family Fund, in memory of Arthur & Yvette Eder Since 2020 $787,000 in security grants have been awarded in to Congregation B’nai Jacob, Congregation BEKI, Congregation Or Shalom, Chabad of the Shoreline, Hebrew Congregation of Woodmont, the Israeli Jewish Center, Temple Emanuel, Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek, Congregation Mishkan Israel, Westville Synagogue, Beth Israel (Wallingford), Temple Beth David, Temple Beth Sholom, Temple Beth Tikvah, Ezra Academy, Camp Laurelwood, Camp Gan Israel, Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy, the JCC, and more—2023 applications are now being accepted on a rolling basis until August 3, 2023.
Grants for the Jewish Elderly Grants to benefit new and innovative programs and projects for Jewish elderly residing in greater New Haven. In 2022, $169,000 in grants were awarded to Chabad of the Shoreline, Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven, and the Towers at Tower Lane. 2023 applications are due April 30, 2023.