Shaping Up For Spring Can Be as Easy as A, B, C

by Susan Donovan JCC Fitness Services Director

It’s that time of year when we start thinking about warm weather activities, exchanging our heavy coats for shorts and t-shirts and taking off those extra pounds from winter comfort foods. 

A is for ACTION:

We can talk ourselves in or out of anything! Instead of dwelling over the details of your perceived difficulty of the workout or making excuses of how you don’t have time to get to the gym, replace that negative self-talk with all the positive benefits you will receive when you are more physically active. Spending three to four hours per week of activity can make a big difference in your health and wellness. Don’t overthink it – just do it!

B is for BALANCE:

Yes, this includes physical balance, especially for the aging body, but it also includes combining a variety of wellness modalities besides the traditional cardio and strength-focused exercise choices but also flexibility, stress management and healthy eating. Health and wellness is multi-dimensional and all about finding balance in your life, and making realistic and achievable changes.​

C is for CORE:

Defi ned as the most essential part or the center of something, your core in a physical sense is your center body consisting of the muscular complex including abdominals, back, hips and even the shoulders. The body’s foundation needs to be strong and resilient. Just like when building a house, you start with a strong foundation. But core also can describe your values, motivations, and deep reasons for change. Explore your ‘whys’ and let this guide you in making positive changes this spring.

Our JCC Wellness Department with our award-winning Personal Trainers and Health Coaches are eager to help guide you in making appropriate fitness choices, help you navigate classes or programs that will best suit your goals and schedule and provide counsel for you when it comes to changing lifestyle and eating to lose weight or improve health.

For a free Wellness Consultation, contact susand@ or call (203) 387-2424, x265, to set up an appointment.

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