Elm City Kallah is a collaboration of Westville Synagogue, Beth El-Keser Israel, and Congregation B'nai Jacob, coming together for the sixth time to create an exceptional collaborative educational experience. All of the events throughout the weekend (except for the subsidized Friday night dinner) are free and open to the general community, and members of each congregation are invited and encouraged to attend events at one another’s synagogues.
This year’s Scholar will be Dr. Rachel Korazim. A native Israeli, Dr. Korazim is a Jewish education consultant specializing in curriculum development for Israel and Holocaust education. She has a Ph.D. in Jewish education from Haifa University, and has vast experience in Jewish education in Israel, the United States, Canada, Latin America and Europe; she is also a founder of a special program for soldiers from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Dr. Korazim will speak at the Westville Synagogue Friday night, Oct. 28th, following Shabbat services and a catered dinner (reserve at westvilleshul.org). Her topic Friday night will be Biblical Motifs in Modern Israel Poetry.
On Shabbat day, Dr. Korazim will be at Congregation BEKI, where following a Kiddush luncheon, she will speak on The Mizrachi (Sephardic) Voice in Israeli Literature.
Sunday morning she will speak a final time at Congregation B’nai Jacob, preceded by a light breakfast. Her topic on Sunday will be Three Israeli Songs that Made an Impact.
Additional information will follow as the event approaches. Contact Rabbi Rona Shapiro (RGShapiro430@gmail.com) or Barbara Zalesch (BarbZal918@aol.com).