Together, the New Haven Board of Rabbis and Cantors, leaders of religious communities of the Greater New Haven Jewish community, the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven and its Jewish Community Relations Council, condemn in the strongest possible terms the horrific act of arson on the Diyanet Mosque of New Haven. We stand in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters at the Diyanet Mosque of New Haven, and the Muslim community at large.
The Jewish community is alarmed by the increasingly violent attacks against places of worship throughout America and the entire world. This afternoon, our Federation stood at the Connecticut State Capitol with the Jewish Federation Association of Connecticut (JFACT) and members of other faith communities to call for an additional $5 million in state bonds to fund security infrastructure upgrades at Connecticut's houses of worship. We understand how it feels to be a target of hate and we stand firmly with the Muslim community.
Our hearts go out to the families and congregation that will not be able to attend the Mosque especially during the holiday of Ramadan.
As people that have suffered from hate, intolerance and violence throughout our history, we will not stay silent watching other places of worship and religious communities attacked. An attack on the Muslim community is an attack on us all.
In the past the Muslim community was there with us to support and comfort us during times of tragedy, and we are here to support the Muslim community now. Let us stand together as we continue to denounce hate and violence in all its forms as we pray for peace, unity and understanding here in New Haven and around the globe. Please follow this link to support the Diyanet Mosque:
Jeffrey Hoos
President, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Judy Alperin
CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Betty and Arthur Levy
Co-chairs, Jewish Community Relation Council (JCRC) Jewish Federation of greater New Haven
Eliraz Shifman Berman
JCRC Director, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Rabbi Rona Shapiro
Congregation B’nai Jacob, Woodbridge
Chair, Board of Rabbis and Cantors
Rabbi Bruce Alpert
Beth Israel Synagogue, Wallingford
Harold Birn
President, Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel (BEKI), New Haven
Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen
Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel (BEKI), New Haven
Brad Jubelirer
President, Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek, Chester
Rabbi Marci N. Bellows
Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek, Chester
Sarah B. Greenblatt
President, Congregation Mishkan Israel, Hamden
Rabbi Brian Immerman
Congregation Mishkan Israel, Hamden
Rabbi Alvin Wainhaus
Congregation Or Shalom, Orange
Rabbi Micah Ellenson
Temple Beth David, Cheshire
Rabbi Benjamin E. Scolnic
Temple Beth Sholom, Hamden
Jeffrey Babbin
President, Temple Beth Tikvah, Madison
Rabbi Stacy Offner
Temple Beth Tikvah, Madison
Rabbi Michael Farbman
Temple Emanuel of Greater New Haven, Orange
Rabbi Fred Hyman
The Westville Synagogue, New Haven