Giving thanks is a key Jewish value. Whether it’s Thanksgiving, a Chanukah gathering, or an evening family meal, use these opportunities to be grateful, think about what or who have brought you to this moment, and explore our values. By doing this, we tap into 4,000 years of Jewish wisdom.
What are you grateful for? How can our giving bring more of ‘that’ to the world.
Tell a story of your family (in the near or far past). How does that story affect how you guve your money?
Think about a time when you benefited from someone else’s giving. What did it give you? How can you pay that forward?
What was your most meaningful giving experience this year? Why?
How are we giving with, and not just giving for? What does our involvement with the issues look like?
What issue keeps you up at night?
At the end of your life, if you could make one change in the world, what would it be?
How do you balance giving to meet immediate needs with giving to mitigate the need altogether? (Example: Feeding the hungry versus combating hunger)
Thanksgiving puts us in an “abundance mindset” rather than one of scarcity. How can we hold this mindset year-round?