The Jewish Historical Society Honors Four

The Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven will mark its 43rd Anniversary Sunday June 23, 2019 at 10 a.m. with a celebratory brunch at The Towers, 18 Tower Lane, New Haven.

The four honorees being recognized this year in appreciation for their many years of service and countless contributions to the Society are Leonard Honeyman, Stanley Saxe, and Lil and Lee Liberman.

Founded in 1976, The Society’s mission is to collect and preserve historical records and to document the history of the Greater New Haven Jewish community. Records go back to 1830, a few are even earlier. 

Our collection, consisting of thousands of photographs, articles, objects and books, is archived and available to researchers and others with an interest in the subject at under “Archives” Additionally, ten volumes of Jews in New Haven have been published by the Society and may be purchased.

Tickets to the Brunch are $54 for members, and non-members $60. Kashrut is observed. The Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven welcomes new members. For tickets or to advertise in the Program Book, please contact the Society office at (203) 392-6125, or

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