Thanks to many, we were successful in reaching our 2020 Campaign goal of $2.5 million. First and foremost, thanks to all who so generously donated to the Campaign. This year has been one of great need and uncertainty, and you answered the call. Our gratitude cannot be underestimated.
A huge thank you as well to the many people who met with (pre-pandemic), made calls, emailed, and texted donors. Making these connections takes time, and we are grateful to all who gave their own to do so. As always, special recognition goes to Endre Sarkany for his tireless work on the Campaign.
We would also like to thank the Campaign Cabinet and the Women’s Philanthropy Cabinet, headed by Dr. Dana Schwartz, for their leadership in planning and carrying out important community-building philanthropic initiatives. These activities truly take a village, and we have been very fortunate in this set of villagers. We wish all the best to Howard Reiter and Jody Ellant as they take the baton as Campaign Co-Chairs, and to Nancy Cohen as she assumes the presidency of Women’s Philanthropy. Kol HaKavod for stepping into these key positions.
Our tradition discusses the difference between tzedakah (charity) and gmilut chasadim (acts of lovingkindness), stating that gmilut chasadim can be greater because tzedakah is only performed with one’s money, while gmilut chasadim requires one’s body, time, and/or money. Our community has collectively achieved a beautiful act of gmilut chasadim. Thanks to all for being integral parts of our ongoing Campaign efforts.
With tremendous gratitude,
Dena Schulman-Green, 2020 Campaign Chair
Amy Holtz, Chief Development Officer
2020 Campaign Cabinet
Chair: Dena Schulman-Green
King David Society Chair: Howard Reiter
Joshua Society Chair: Steven Fleischman
Major Gifts Chair: Stephanie Wain
Women’s Philanthropy Chair: Dana Schwartz
Planning & Allocations Chair: David Hass
Members: Stephanie Green, Jodi Seidner, Robyn Teplitzky
2020 Women’s Philanthropy Cabinet
Chair: Dana Schwartz
Lion Chair: Jody Ellant
LOJE Chair: Stacey Trachten
Pomegranate Chair: Sami Merit
Step-Up Lion Chair: Nancy Cohen
Sabra Co-Chairs: Lauren Faith Miller & Emily Sandberg
Events Chair: Judy Skolnick
Immediate Past Chair: Dena Schulman-Green
Members: Joanna Cooper, Betsy Flaherty, Stephanie Green, Betsy Hoos, Robin Kramer, Anna Merin, Stacey Perkins, Robyn Teplitzky, Leslie Zackin