Jessica Simms, a senior journalism student at Quinnipiac University and Managing Editor of The Quinnipiac Chronicle, completed her final capstone project with an in-depth article focusing on anti-Semitism in the Greater New Haven community. Read the full article at hqnn.org/2021/03/26/ with-anti-semitism-on-the-rise-in-ct-we-now-always-lock-our-doors.
As anti-Semitism continues to be a growing issue in Connecticut and nationwide, rabbis, Jewish educators and professionals have spoken up about how it has impacted their communities and how they combat this type of hate. While anti-Semitism takes different forms—such as hateful comments, physical violence and graffiti—these Jewish leaders share how they keep their communities safe and teach others outside of the Jewish community how to be more accepting.
For many rabbis, the increase in anti-Semitism has forced them to make their synagogues safer by locking doors and implementing security procedures. At college, universities and public school districts, professionals have spoken up against anti-Semitism and other hate toward minority groups by stopping anti-Semitism in its tracks and making statements about recent nationwide hateful acts.
All of the leaders in this article have the same message: let’s stop hate by coming together as one community