Back by popular demand, Expecting Expo returns for its second year as the premier baby expo in Connecticut. Don’t miss your opportunity to participate!
Free and open to the public!
This community-wide event is a wonderful way for families to learn about all the local support available to help them as they embark on this journey from pregnancy to pre-K.
Sunday, June 2nd
9 am - 12 pm
Beckerman Lender Jewish Community Building
360 Amity Road, Woodbridge
• Logo on New Haven Street Banner
• Touch-a-Truck Sponsor $500
• Logo on driveway banner, event bag & digital materials
• Two tables at event
• Announce a raffle winner & provide your elevator pitch
• High-top conversation table (x1)
• Social Media recognition
• Logo on driveway banner, event bag & digital materials
• Touch-a-Truck Sponsor ($250)
• Announce a raffle winner and provide your elevator pitch
• High-top conversation table (x1)
• Social Media recognition
• Two tables at event
• CPR Class Sponsor
• Social Media recognition
• Announce a raffle winner & provide your elevator pitch
• Logo on digital materials
• One table at event
• Announce a raffle winner & provide your elevator pitch
• Logo on digital materials
• One table at event
• Logo on digital materials
• Social Media recognition
• One Table