August 20, 2008
Well over 10,000 children from Sderot and the Gaza perimeter have enjoyed this year’s camp activity and decided to express their heartfelt appreciation to the organizers.
The camps were operated in conjunction with the local municipalities, who do not cease in offering their thanks to the Jewish Agency and its Israel Region for providing activities that grant a respite to thousands of children in the Gaza perimeter and Sderot.
The summer camp project for Sderot area youth was funded by the Israel Emergency Fund of the United Jewish Communities, Jewish Federations across North America, the communities of Keren Hayesod, UIA – Canada, the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Federation/CJA of Montreal, the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland, the UJA-Federation of New York, the ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, and Israeli donors.
Thanks so much to everyone who helped!
Pictured are campers who designed their own personal cards to thank the Jewish Agency and its partners for the terrific experience that they had these past few weeks.
This posting written by Eran Shavit, JAFI Director of Israel Department, Israel Experience