Our Global Work

Federation Staff Joins Insider State Dept. Briefing

Over 50 Federation participants joined recent DC educational and advocacy missions to get insider briefings from the State Department on the Syrian refugee crisis and Indian diplomats on their country's relationship with Israel. They also visited the White House and met with Michelle Obama'…

Jewish Education & Engagement Update: September 16, 2016

A rabbi in Hillel’s Base program for young Jewish communities suggests that more isn’t always better when it comes to engagement. The business world offers three tips for better relationship leadership. With passion, creativity and intention, a Seattle Federation engagement professional…

Federations Urge House to Pass Bipartisan Family Caregiver Bill

Federations joined a new national coalition effort led by AARP to urge the House to pass the bipartisan RAISE Family Caregivers Act. Passed unanimously by the Senate, the bill would help support 40 million family caregivers across the U.S. 

Federations Urge House to Pass Bipartisan Family Caregiver Vill

Federations joined a new national coalition effort led by AARP to urge the House to pass the bipartisan RAISE Family Caregivers Act. Passed unanimously by the Senate, the bill would help support 40 million family caregivers across the U.S. 

2016 International Lion of Judah Conference Breaks Fundraising Record

A record $31.5 million was raised at the 2016 International Lion of Judah Conference that wrapped up yesterday. One of every 12 delegates increased her gift to a higher giving level. 32 became Lions for the first time and 17 created Endowments of at least $100K each.

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