Press Releases

Sukkah-Building Tips from Friends

by Talya Hyman

Shalom New Haven Intern


Year after year, many Greater New Haven community members construct their own impressive and noteworthy sukkahs. Our fellow sukkah-builders have allowed us insight into their creation process through the sharing of tips, tricks, and personal famil…

PJ Library: The Origins of Philanthropy

by Stacey Battat

PJ Library Professional


This story, Mitzvah Pizza, written by Sarah Lynn Scheerger and illustrated by Deborah Melmon, is based upon a real place called The Pizza Corner in Philadelphia. One day a customer asked if he could buy a slice of pizza for someone who could no…

JCC INCLUSION: Adaptive swim

By MiriYam Judd, Shalom New Haven Intern

The first thing Amanda Konieczny tells the parents of her students is this: “Your kids have just the same amount of potential to get to the end as any other child.”

For almost ten years now, Konieczny has been teaching swimming to students with…

New at Jewish Teen Education

My name is Noam Benson-Tilsen, and I was recently appointed and elected President of the Board of Jewish Teen Education (JTE). JTE is a local extracurricular study program for teenagers and run entirely by teenagers in the Greater New Haven area. We offer a variety of classes and help run pr…

Towers Welcomes a New Chef

Towers Welcomes a New Chef Morrison Healthcare Food Services teamed up with The Towers to transform and enhance their dining experience. Food is the focal point of a much wider experience that is educational and social. Morrison will bring food to life to enrich the lives of Towers seniors e…

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