Press Releases

One Wall for One Jewish People

The Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven is committed to pluralism in our community and at the Kotel (Western Wall). On June 29, a letter was sent to the Israeli prime minister and consul general, 
co-signed by congregational rabbis.  

A sense of unity and jubilation defined the first f…

Scholarship Opportunities through the Jewish Foundation

Jewish Scholarship Initiative (JSI) Deadlines:
Scholarships for area Day Schools & Jewish Preschools: July 14 
Synagogue Schools: October 20 
Camp scholarships: May 4, 2018

College Scholarship Deadlines:
Emma Kohn Podoloff Scholarship Fund of the National Council of Jewish Women: August 1…

What Do You Want to Do Jewishly and How Can We Help?

In 2016, the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven distributed over $2.3 million to charitable organizations, of which, $1.9 million was distributed to local Jewish organizations—our synagogues, the Jewish Federation, for Jews in need and Jewish Family Service, the Jewish Historical Socie…

Madrichim at Temple Emanuel

Imagine the look on a young child’s face, when they realize their teacher is one of the teens who used to help out in their classroom!
At Temple Emanuel in Orange they’re making that happen, specifically by partnering with teens that have completed three years of training in TE’s madri…

Partial Facilities Reopen at JCC

By Ruth Douglas
Shalom New Haven Staff
On Monday, June 26, JCC members embraced the long-awaited pool, racquetball courts, and Playscape reopening at the JCC on Amity Road. 
Steve Kovel has been a JCC member for more than 15 years, and was thrilled to be back playing racquetball. He remarke…

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