Press Releases

The Meaning of the High Holy Days: A Rabbis Roundtable Discussion

The High Holy Day season begins during the Hebrew month of Elul, when the shofar is sounded every weekday morning in order to instill a sense of awe in the Jewish people and call upon us to repent.
This year, Rosh Hashanah falls this year at sundown, Sept 25, and ends at sunset, Tuesda…

Living Well, Living Long, Living Healthy!

Move often, eat mindfully, manage stress, and stay socially connected - a recipe that can lead to a longer and healthier life! Easier said than done for most as it may require a commitment to some level of change and change can be hard, but we can help.

Rooted in the understanding that heal…

The New Year Ushers in a Cycle of Renewal

With the cycle of the Jewish year beginning anew, we are also experiencing the cycle of renewal at the Jewish Federation.  At our upcoming Annual Meeting we will celebrate the conclusion of Steve Fleischman’s tenure as our president.  Steve began his term during the height of the pandemi…

JCARR Kids Enjoy a Summer of Fun!

By Barbara Klein, JCARR co-leader of education

Summer!  A magical word that conjures up wonderful childhood memories for so many of us.  Likewise, for the children of families that JCARR (Jewish Community Alliance for Refugee Resettlement) has sponsored, summer has a magical allure—but …


Jennifer Bayer has been named associate vice president of strategic initiatives at The Towers at Tower Lane, it was announced recently by the organization's President/CEO Gustave Keach-Longo.

Prior to being promoted to her new post, Jennifer worked at The Towers supporting a variety success…

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